The cafe, and the music of romantic foil, her meeting place in such an elegant place.
A good coffee shop should be bright, but not gorgeous, space should have a certain flavor, but not only the bitter taste of smoke, the owner should be a friend, but not too much attention.
Think of the summer sky is true and beautiful, romantic cafe, you and I sit face to face, you smile, I smile, reserved, innocent and artless, sincere and honest.
On the wall of the coffee shop, I saw a note: I was in love, but you did not.
Cafe Italy candle burning half candle light cage in Jiang Guiming, with a transparent sense of a mysterious, as if through time and space.
A sunny afternoon, an elegant retro cafe, a table near the window, a lazy cat nap, a song of healing music, a cup of steaming in Lanshan, an old book, a letter, a period of love.
Every time I walk into the coffee shop, I always sit by the window, looking out the window.
The cafe is a good place to study, because it can be the persity of people behaved most incisive.
Into the cafe, she went into the house to say to the boss to two cups of black tea, and then directly on the two floor, sit down.
Every walk through this coffee shop, could not help but slow down the footsteps, you and I first met here, opened the prelude to the pleasant.
I think the best thing about me is that I'm sitting in a coffee shop, and you're just behind me.
I think, when no worries about living, a cafe, a bookcase, a sun exposure, people can order a cup of coffee sitting quietly reading.
Do not open a coffee shop as a business, as an investment, do not expect to open a coffee shop can be completed in the original accumulation, open the cafe is just a way of life.
I think the most beautiful thing is that I am in the afternoon of the coffee shop's message to write down their wishes, one day you have come to this cafe, to see my desire to have you.
Light, elegant light music, the air is emitting a strong aroma of coffee, make people reluctant to return.
The cafe lighting is very dark, soothing music in brewing a sweet atmosphere. The smell of coffee is strange to him, but he has to drink the taste of happiness.
European cafe, Americans can say that they are a small aristocratic widow, American town cafe, Europeans can say that they are big country girl.
Sitting alone in a corner of the cafe, the lights dim incidence, no coffee and snacks, only a cup of water.
The cafe on the melodious sound of the piano, the warmth of the sun through micro gap atmosphere, if long, Shu, put everything full of emptiness.
Two people just sat, a look out of the window the flow of people coming and going, a look at hot coffee. No one's out.
I don't like to drink coffee, but I like the taste of the coffee shop. Our not to meet, perhaps is a kind of fate, thank God, we learn to cherish!
In the coffee shop, always in the mood to master time, drink a cup of coffee time, can be ten minutes, can also be an afternoon.
He gazed into the glass wall of the coffee house. The corner easily appears extremely lonely. The pale yellow light to create a warm atmosphere, let her lonely figure looks more gentle.
We continue to move forward, a thick coffee smell came, I took a deep breath and feel more comfortable. We entered the cafe here, feeling like a land of idyllic beauty.
Have seen in the book, a Austria poet described the coffee shop, a good coffee shop should be bright, but not gorgeous.
Saturday afternoon, we sat in the cafe to chat, I like the mood of the cafe, like it in the details of the processing of the aesthetic feeling, there is a combination of elegance and romance.
At the end of the street, there is a cafe covered with green vines. Weary Ivan will drink a cup of coffee on the inside, enjoying a quiet.
If the sunset cafe in a rather exotic dark yellow lights blooming in the wall, from a quiet breath.
This cafe is not very luxurious, but very simple, the difference is that this house has a lot of flowers, because the owner of this coffee house is very good to raise flowers, and if you want to breathe the air can be outside to drink.
The faint candlelight, soft music, floating in the air with tempting smell of coffee.
This country time is always leaving idle, will put the clock back about God here. People are sitting in a cafe enjoying life in a leisurely way, as if all the troubles are forgotten.
Out of the coffee shop, looking at the boundless blue sky, feeling much more comfortable and more, not so, not so blue. Bought a pink flowers, named Lily, on behalf of my mood at the moment.
In the end, covered with vines of the cafe, she found him at the door. Yi Na sat in a corner of the window, back to the door.
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